Don’t you think entrepreneurs can be compared to superheroes? They seek solutions and solve problems. They handle great power and responsibility. They’re willing to tackle risks the way superheroes are willing to tackle villains. They always have to keep in mind mostly the three words Vision, Mission and Goals of their business.

Seeing an entrepreneur succeed, others say, “If only I’d thought of that!”

But thinking isn’t enough. Every successful entrepreneur understands the necessity to be connected to the origin and value of their business. After all, what’s a hero without an origin story and a list of tales on markets won and battles lost? For an entrepreneur, a problem-solution narrative is like a tale that precisely introduces a specific problem that affects many people and presents the good or service as an innovative and unique solution. 

But before that, you need to stay focused through a continuous series of successes and failures. As an entrepreneur, you need a vision and, sequentially, a mission and goals for that.

Infographic vision mission and goals


A vision statement lays out the business’s greater purpose, what the entrepreneur sees the business growing into in the future. 

You must develop a vision statement that allows you to look into the future to answer this question: “Where would we be someday if our business were the best version of itself?”

These steps give a good head start:

  1. State how your business would solve a problem and function in a dream scenario.
  2. Connect your business’s dreams to wide-ranged hopes for development.
  3. Define how you’re going to make the world a better place through your products and services.


A mission statement is a clear expression of a business’s reason for being that defines its primary long-term goal and action to reach that goal. It establishes what a business is and what it seeks to become.

 A mission statement is written by answering these questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you make or do?
  • Why do you exist as a business?

Here is a visual representation of the difference between vision and mission for Unilever:

Unilever’s Vision Statement Unilever’s Mission Statement
To make sustainable living commonplace. We believe this is the best long-term way for our business to grow. To add vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.

Pursuing Goals

An entrepreneur’s vision and mission are combined to offer a broad, overall sense of the business’s direction. This is why you need to create goals— provide clear guidance to work on a daily basis. 

The most effective goals are those that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. An easy way to remember these is to combine the first letter of each into one word: SMART

Infographic blog creative smart

A goal should answer the following questions:

  • Is it simply stated and easily understood?
  • Does it assist in how the mission will achieve the vision?
  • Does it fit with the values of the business?
  • Can it be adapted and improved with time?


Having everything sorted out may seem like a work of patience, strategy, and effort. But these will help you focus on the essential details of your business. If done perfectly, they can increase the chances that the business will be prosperous; you’ll feel successful as an entrepreneur.

If you don’t use these “iron relics,” you have wasted your time. So what are you waiting for?

Why is it so hard to win a business pitch competition?

There are some very common and fixable areas that you can learn easily.